Shipping Costs

The estimated shipping costs can only be used if the basket is not empty.

DHL Paket Standard is the easy, affordable, fast and reliable shipping service to over 220 countries around the world.

DHL Paket International with Premium service take priority and are always transported to the destination country by the fastest means possible.

Cash on delivery - You can the total amount due to be delivered directly to the pay package messengers. This will an additional fee of 6.00 euros. Cash on delivery is only possible in the following countries: Germany only

DHL Express - - - The shipping method is currently not possible !!!

iloxx - the shipping agent for large parcels from 30 kg, bulky goods and forwarding transport

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Hotline in Germany

9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
0571 - 36 8 63
+49 571 - 36 8 63

5:00 PM- 10:00 PM
0152 - 098 73 905
+49 152 - 098 73 905

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special offer

Engine control unit Bosch 0-280-800-104(105) Audi VW 811-906-264
Engine control unit Bosch 0-280-800-104(105) Audi VW 811-906-264
only 39,00 €

including 19% VAT., no shipping costs to DE, else plus shipping
Engine control unit Renault S100813101-F HOM 7700-731-801 BVM 7700-735-140 Siemens
Engine control unit Renault S100813101-F HOM 7700-731-801 BVM 7700-735-140 Siemens
only 45,00 €

including 19% VAT., no shipping costs to DE, else plus shipping